We have stepped into a new energy that has had us scrambling for a connection. In times past we could connect with our source much easier that we are connecting today. The reason for this is our light bodies have grown much lighter and the way we connect has changed.

We can find our new connection through and for each other. Being that we are more unified (whether we feel it or not) the creation process is such that we are able to gather together and place our energy with the intent for each other and be of service to the ones that we are connected to and ourselves at the same time. If we separate ourselves or become self absorbed we will find ourselves in a tail spin. But if we connect to each other we create a higher vibration or frequency.

For instance about a month ago I was trying to come up with ideas to make my own personal income without hurting the progress of the Cosmic Nudge. I approached the idea of finding a higher paying job and started looking through the paper then applying at locations throughout the valley. For two weeks I struggled with, what will I do for income to support myself and my child? At the end of the two weeks I got on the phone with a dear friend to talk about this problem and by the time we got off the phone we had created three opportunities for an extra income. Within just a few days my book was at the publishers and we were developing ideas for a website that will help bring us an income and help others at the same time.   My book will be out within a month’s time and shortly afterwards my next book will be well on its way. This happened twice within the same week with two separate individuals. So by connecting with each other we created several opportunities.

Other instances within the lives of others have also been  shared with me and each time an experience is shared the outcome is the same If they are not connecting with others they find themselves lost, depressed and feeling very alone. But once they reach out and connect everything flows much more smoothly. Remaining positive is very important as well, due to the fact that if we are creating these doom and gloom feelings everyone around us will fill it as well. We are affecting and feeling each other more so than ever before.

We are bringing to ourselves that which is needed by others and it is vital in the creation of the new world that we assist and support each other in our families, relationships and business.

Copyrights by Lori Christensen
